German, Dutch, Hebrew, English



We love books. Here is a selection of translations, mostly by Dena, some by Daniel.

Dena translates English into Hebrew and Hebrew to English. Daniel's translations are the ones that involve Dutch and German.  The comments on this page are from Dena's perspective unless specifically noted otherwise.


Pawn of Prophecy, by David Eddings. Translated into Hebrew in 1993. Fantasy novel. I love fantasy, but would have preferred more time to engage in wordplay.

Dena wrote two books, both about dog care.


The Family Dog (כלב משפחתי)  - a complete guide to dog care, published in 1988 under Dena's former name.


If Only I Had A dog (אילו היה לי כלב) - a storybook companion to The Family Dog. 1988 under Dena's former name.


Reis naar mijn vader : herinneringen aan I.B. Singer - English to Dutch by G. Daniel Bugel-Shunra

The recollections of Isaac Bashevis Singer's son. 1997


Daniel and I got to collaborate on this corporate memoir in 2010, in honor of fifty years of Randstad outsourcing. It was fascinating! 


A fascinating exercise in translation and editing, Daniel's work on this book about sustainable development was thought-provoking and continues to come up in our conversation, years after the 2011 publication. 


Daniel and I got to work with Roger Horowitz on some of the background material for his wonderful history of making U.S. food Kosher. Some Yidish, some Hebrew, some Aramaic - there was a bunch of lovely correspondence between rabbis that we got to read through for Kosher USA.

This is only a partial selection, dictated by availability of books and recollections. Would you like us to consider your book-length project? 


Doll's Eye, by Sami Shalom Chetrit. Translated into English in 2013. Hebrew cover art. A thrilling adventure, with a hopeful perspective on the future. 


Flash guides to computer topics from the early 1990's were my bread and butter. Here are five of the ones I kept.

Some even have presence in Israel's National Library. Thanks, librarians, love you forever! 

Astro-psychology : astrological symbolism and the human psyche
by Karen Hamaker-Zondag (אסטרו-פסיכולוגיה). This book sent me up a wild learning curve, with many concepts I had to learn while translating.

I no longer have a copy of this book, so I can't show its pretty face.


Zo beginnen verhalen: essays by Amos Oz. Hebrew to Dutch by G. Daniel Bugel-Shunra


The Moon, The Sun, by Issac Asimov. These were part of a series published in 1988. The most fun part of this translation was that I got to correspond with Asimov himself, to ask if he wanted his Yiddish name (Isaac | אייזיק) or the Hebrew version of the same (Yitzchak | יצחק). He preferred the Yiddish, as that was the spelling his novels had been published under.


This was a relay translation: Norwegian into Hebrew, Hebrew into English. I got to use a pen name for the book, and it does not appear in any catalog I have found. I remember a great deal of metaphorical thought being used here. The content is rather end-of-times-ish.


I had a poem published in this anthology. The contract was most notable for having to sign a declaration of generation-suitability: that I was, in fact, born in the years defining Generation X. The title is very apt: In our own words : an anthology of poetry from a generation falsely labeled Generation X


The Eye in the Pyramid, by Robert Anton Wilson. (העין שבפירמידה) Translated into Hebrew with brilliant translator Emanuel Lotem. This was an exhilarating project, but one of the hardest I've ever done. I refer most fiction translations to people whose talents run naturally in that direction. Fiction, 2000.


Positive Addiction, by William Glasser (התמכרות חיובית). Into Hebrew, 1997. This was one of the most fun translations. I loved the idea that one could go gain energy from obsession. 


Brieven aan Hitler German into Dutch, by G. Daniel Bugel-Shunra

A shocking book, which shows the devotion people felt toward the man leading them to destruction through the lens of letters written to him by people far from the levers of power. 


Turbo Pascal 6, The Complete Guide, by Scott D. Palmer. Translated in collaboration with my business partner at the time, Limor Paldi. 

Teach Yourself AutoCAD Release 11 (AutoCAS 11 בקלי קלות), by Genevieve Katz. 

I ended up translating this book twice: it was the first I worked on after my son was born, and upon rereading it, I decided to trash the book and try again. The second time was the charm and the book itself was lovely and informative.


I had a poem published in this anthology, as well. 


A translation I did for one of Sami Shalom Chetrit's angriest and most powerful poems appeared in this collection. 


In 1989 I tried to publish a fanzine, which folded after a single issue. It boasts the world premiere of the writing of Didi Chanoch, notable translator and publisher. 


The Left Handed Book (על צד שמאל), by James T. De Kay. 1992.  I enjoyed translating this book's description about all things left-handed; six years later, she and Daniel had a left-handed daughter. 


Jews, poems, translations from Hebrew. Sami Shalom Chetrit's poetry thrills and stirs me. I got to translate about a third of the poems in this book, and they flowed like water from a fountain - or more accurately, like flames from a dragon. 


Guide to Connectivity, by Frank J. Derfler. In 1993, when I translated this, the Internet had barely been born, and modems were an odd thing to own. This would soon change.

The Hard Disk Survival guide, by Mark Minasi. This was the most fascinating computer-related book I translated. The typesetters were grabbing each chapter as it came off the printer for proofs, wanting to learn from it. It's also where I made my single best translation of a pun, ever.  We have no picture of this one: it was *so* good that my last copy was borrowed and never returned. 


I translated about all kinds of MS Office applications, in large and small formats. This was both fun and useful, because I had to read every word I translated, so I learned ALL the tips and tricks. I still have the one I translated about Excel, and the one about Word, as well as the complete guide (pictured above the red Excel book.)


Another complete guide I translated was to DOS 5. Remember DOS? 

And Robert Cowart's Complete Guide to Windows 3.1 (המדריך המלא). It has gotten lost somewhere between Tel Aviv and Port Townsend. 


I contributed an article to each of the above issues of The Tenth Dimension, organ of Israel's science fiction association.